Monday, December 30, 2013


I promised Dale, now that I have a new camera I would update the blog more often. He asks me frequently if i have done it. SO...Here goes my promise to him.

Things have been great in the Henry household. We have had so much fun living life together. Each day is a good one and we consider ourselves very blessed.

Brad is still working at Goldman Sachs and puts in long hard hours at work. We appreciate him and all the hard work he does to support our family. He signed up for 4 more Marathons next year! I love that he has this hobby, drive and talent to put it all the miles and run. Brad was recently called as the Stake Men's sports director. So with basketball season coming up that will take up a lot of his time.

I'm still working at Dr. Egbert's office and love it. It's such a great job...I get to do so many unique surgeries which makes every day more and more interesting! I signed up to run the Ogden half marathon in May and I'm really scared! :) It's been over 2 years since I ran a race and so this will be interesting. I'm just glad i have an  awesome training partner that can help me along the way! I'm serving as the Young Women's secretary and love it!

Dale is in the 6th grade and is so smart! He loves to read...(in fact for Christmas he got 18 books and he was so excited about it). He is such a funny kid that makes us laugh all the time. We love spending every minute that we can with him...He brings us pure joy!

Christmas morning...Dale playing with his new skylanders.

 Me and my sisters matching pajamas! :)

 Adelle reading a book to Sophie and Brad

 Dale posed brad and I for this picture.
We couldn't stop laughing...he kept saying" no put your hand here." Wait turn this way."
"I'm a professional photographer!"

Playing with cousins

Brad and I at his family Christmas party. {How did I not get more pictures?}

We celebrated January birthday's a little early so that Phil could be here for the Party
Phil, Me and Jeff

Another fun thing we've done lately...
Brad and I went down to Corning to see his parents after they got home from their mission. We were able to spend a few days with them and listen to their homecoming talks. What incredible people I truly married into an amazing family!

Here is to a happy and healthy 2014!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our Boring Life!

We have had a lot going on lately...
and not a ton of pictures to show for it.
I have become the WORST at taking pictures...
Maybe I need to get me a really nice fancy camera. ;)

I feel kinda overwhelmed with my blog and want to stay current 
I'm going to give a break down of all the things Henry the last few months! :)

Brad has ran 2 Marathons this year so far and has 2 more to go...

We rocked out to Phil's band "Contagious"

We went to my cousins wedding

We planted flowers...and a garden
We celebrated our first anniversary

Celebrated Mothers Day

Saddest and hardest thing lately...
My little sister delivered a beautiful baby boy 
8 pounds 12 oz on Mother's Day.
He was too good for this earth and fulfilled his mission by gaining a body. He is now with Heavenly Father.
My sister and brother in law are amazing people and I'm so proud of them and who they are.
We sent balloons to Carter...

We hiked to a waterfall
Went to Girls Camp
We went to a rodeo in the rain
We go to movies
We swim
We have family reunions...
(I'm horrible and hardly took any pictures. So, when I get some I will post them)
Brad's family all got together.
With 8 children it's a treat to have everyone around.
His parents are serving in Portugal and couldn't make it. But they were very missed and we really look forward to seeing them when they come home.

It may be boring...but it's our life, and we are loving it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fun Weekend!

You know those weekends you just want to bottle up and re live over and over?
I had one of those this past weekend.
I had Fridy off of work and got to spend the day with my Mom.
It was so nice to have her over.
We went to lunch and then came back to my house and relaxed on the couch while watching CNN and all the craziness and breaking news.

A little before 5, Phil and Mar dropped off the girls at my house and we got to babysit them for a few hours while they went on a date. 
They were perfect...

Saturday morning Brad and I slept in (which is rare) and we just relaxed all morning with no plans and nothing to do.
That afternoon we went to Thanksgiving Point to the the tulip festival.
Since we bought an annual pass we also took advantage of the wool and lamb festival too.
We then went to JCW's and ate WAY too much.
Checked out the new Traverse Mountain Outlet stores.
Walked around Cableas.
went back to Thanksgiving Point to watch Oblivian on D Box.
It was really REALLY good!

Sunday, we went to church and then came home napped and caught up on some TV shows from last week.
Now tell me that wasn't a great weekend....
It always goes way too fast!
Brad and I at the tulip festival in the same spot we were interviewed last year and put in the pater... :)

Dale dancing

Dale lately has been all about posting YouTube videos.
It's really cute, every time he comes over he has a new video to show us...
We laughed SO hard at this video.
Dale was wearing a Halloween outfit Brad bought him when he was around 5. Let's just say it's a little snug...
What a ham!
That's one of the many reasons we love this kid!
Enjoy :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Catching Up...

A few weeks ago...Brad, Dale and I went down to Spanish Fork to see our nephew Gavin in his school play. He had the role of  King Arthur and did such a great job!
It was a great play.
*funny story....Dale sat in between Brad and I during the play. After it ended Dale held out his hand and said here you go Suzie. When I looked to see what was in his hand it was his TOOTH!
He sat there and wiggled on it and eventually pulled it out. What a funny kid. I promise that if I were a kid and pulled my tooth out during my cousins play I would have been really dramatic about it. Just sayin...
Here is the whole group that was there that night. Afterwards Russ and Laura had us over for ice cream sundaes. Yummy!

Easter was great this year. It's my favorite holiday...
Each Easter I always strive to be a better person. I love the Atonement. It is real, and wonderful and has helped me so much in so many ways. I am so grateful for my older brother and the love he showed all of us by atoning for our sins. The Resurrection is beautiful. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is such a blessing. I love my Savior and the gospel with all my heart.
The Easter bunny brought our family this picture.
It's beautiful and we love it!
He also brought us way too much candy!
We celebrated at my Grandma's house with my family, cousins, Aunts and Uncles.
Haystacks were on the menu as always and I ate way WAY too much.
I love my husband!

Brad and I went to the Blaze game last weekend....even though they lost (by a lot) We still had a blast!

A few weeks ago Dale earned his 'Arrow of Light' award at the Blue and Gold dinner.
What an awesome kid...

This past Friday night, Brad and I went to The Airborne Toxic Event concert at the depot. 
Thanks to Emily for babysitting Dale for us.
It was such a blast...
The Giants season started again....bring on baseball season!
We are loving this spring weather. The birds are chirping, our tulips are blooming and the weather is perfect.
We are loving our low key Conference weekend.
It always goes way too fast!

Monday, March 18, 2013


I checked my blog and couldn't believe it had been since DECEMBER that I posted!
This is probably my longest blogging drought ever. So I figured it's time for an update. I really don't have any pictures. (With my phone being ancient...I get a new one soon. I haven't been taking the pictures I should)

January was a great month for us. I had a birthday turning 32. I sometimes forget I'm 32 and have to ask Brad how old I am. I guess it's already starting :)
The day was great. Both Brad and I took work off and we were able to do a session at the temple. It was wonderful. And then we picked up Dale for dinner.

We also started trying to be healthier this year. It's not really been about the weight loss. More of a lifestyle change. It's been awesome. We still eat what we love but just tweak things a little. Instead of Sour Cream, Plain Greek Yogurt. Green Smoothies in the morning. Hardly ANY fast food. More fish and I've cut down on the diet coke :( I'll have an occasional one. And meal planning. We've also been going on walks (Brad on runs) and we've really enjoyed it. For Christmas we each got  fitbit which counts steps, stairs, calories burned and miles. Brad is training for 4 marathons this year and I couldn't be more proud of his progress. He had dropped 30 pounds! He is so determined and goal oriented it amazes me!

We had a great Valentines Day. Brad spoiled me of course with beautiful flower he sent to work and a few gifts waiting at home for me. That night Dale, Brad and I went out to the Chinese Gourmet and STUFFED ourselves. It was so delicious and I was so happy to spend it with my boys.

Dale had a birthday last week and turned 11. We picked him up right after work and celebrated at Red Robin. It was yummy and Dale got to have a milk shake afterwards. We went back home after that and he played with a few of his gifts before it was time for him to go back to his moms.

This past weekend brad surprised me and took me up to Woodland to a really nice bed and breakfast. It was such a sweet and fun surprise. He brought in an overnight bag and told me to pack for two nights we were going somewhere. I feel so beyond blessed to be married to Brad. I wish every girl could be treated the way he treats me. He is the best husband and friend i could ever hoped for. He really was so worth the wait. 

We were both released from our callings as the nursery leaders and Brad was put in as Sunday School 2nd Counselor. And I was called as the Young Women's Secretary.We are both looking forward to these new callings.

Dale is doing great. Just as happy as ever. He also got a fitbit for his birthday and he is a mini Brad. He walks around the house in circles so that he can get his steps in for the day. It really is a fun little thing to keep you moving. 

Well I've probably bore you all to death with my rambling...but that's us for the last little while! :)