Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our Boring Life!

We have had a lot going on lately...
and not a ton of pictures to show for it.
I have become the WORST at taking pictures...
Maybe I need to get me a really nice fancy camera. ;)

I feel kinda overwhelmed with my blog and want to stay current 
I'm going to give a break down of all the things Henry the last few months! :)

Brad has ran 2 Marathons this year so far and has 2 more to go...

We rocked out to Phil's band "Contagious"

We went to my cousins wedding

We planted flowers...and a garden
We celebrated our first anniversary

Celebrated Mothers Day

Saddest and hardest thing lately...
My little sister delivered a beautiful baby boy 
8 pounds 12 oz on Mother's Day.
He was too good for this earth and fulfilled his mission by gaining a body. He is now with Heavenly Father.
My sister and brother in law are amazing people and I'm so proud of them and who they are.
We sent balloons to Carter...

We hiked to a waterfall
Went to Girls Camp
We went to a rodeo in the rain
We go to movies
We swim
We have family reunions...
(I'm horrible and hardly took any pictures. So, when I get some I will post them)
Brad's family all got together.
With 8 children it's a treat to have everyone around.
His parents are serving in Portugal and couldn't make it. But they were very missed and we really look forward to seeing them when they come home.

It may be boring...but it's our life, and we are loving it!